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Weight loss feline - weight loss wild carnivorous cat

20-12-2016 à 06:51:39
Weight loss feline
Hyperthyroidism - Hyperthyroidism is almost always caused by a benign tumour of the thyroid gland which secretes excess hormones. If this is the case then a T3 suppression test may be performed. Hyperthyroidism and diabetes are common causes in older cats and may be tested for first. Feline leukemia virus - FeLV is a viral infection caused by reovirus, which is in the same family as the feline immunodeficiency virus. Blood tests to detect elevated levels of the hormones T3 and T4 are performed. Inflammatory bowel disease - Inflammation of the intestinal tract with inflammatory cells. Liver disease - Decreased function of the liver. Treatment depends on the cause and should be aimed at addressing the underlying cause (if there is one). Diabetes mellitus - Endocrine disorder caused by not enough insulin being produced by the pancreas, or insulin resistance, resulting in cells not taking in enough glucose. Giardia - Infection with a single celled protozoan known as giardia. Or weight loss which is a result of decreased appetite, increased activity (which leads to more calories being burned). Some cats with hyperthyroidism may show normal levels of these hormones in their blood test. Feline Infectious Anemia (hemobartonellosis) - Caused by an unusual type of bacteria which attach themselves to the wall of red blood cells, destroying them in the process. Anemia - Reduced number of red blood cells. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency - Disorder caused by the pancreas not producing enough pancreatic enzymes to digest food. Dietary - An inadequate amount of food, poor quality food, fussy eater. This list is by no means complete, there are also many other possible causes of weight loss in cats.

Bile acid test - To evaluate liver function. Heartworm - Parasitic worm infection of the heart and lungs. Hyperthyroidism is one cause of polyphagic weight loss. Glomerulonephritis - A renal disease which is caused by the inflammation. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus - Viral infection, similar to HIV in humans. In a normal cat, the level of T4 will drop, in a cat with hyperthyroidism the T4 levels will stay the same or increase slightly. Parasitic worms - Heavy infestation with hookworm, roundworm or tapeworm can lead to weight loss due to loss of nutrients. There are many possible reasons why your cat may be losing weight, some of which include. , resulting in reluctance to eat. Coccidiosis - Infection by protozoa (single celled organism) which causes vomiting and diarrhea. This involves taking a blood test to check the levels of T3 and T4, 7 oral doses of the thyroid hormone T3 and a blood test after the hormone was given. Veterinary attention should be sought if your cat is losing weight, so he can identify and treat the cause. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - Thickening of the left ventricular wall of the heart. Home Cat Articles Bringing Your New Kitten Home Cat to Cat Introductions All About Catnip Cat World Records Essential Products For New Cat Owners How to determine the age of a kitten Hypoallergenic Cats - Do They Exist. There are generally two causes of weight loss in cats. Dental problems - S tomatitis, dental abscess etc. Cryptosporidium - A single-celled intestinal parasite which causes vomiting and diarrhea. Other signs may be related to an underlying condition and may include. It may be primary or secondary, brought on by medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism or high blood pressure.

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